News : Strategy

Investments, SMSF, Strategy

Investment bands a compliance hazard

Administration, Strategy, Superannuation, Tax

Deductibility of deed changes not uniform

ATO, Compliance & Regulation, Strategy

Voluntary disclosure scheme not speedy

Private Assets, SMSF, Strategy

Segregation for single assets barred

Australian Shares, International Shares, Investments, Strategy

Yield investing not just about high dividends

Investments, Strategy

Identification of quality of most benefit


ATO rules out strategy wording

Economy, Investments, Strategy

Focus on quality stocks over investment style

Economy, Strategy

Inflation may drive TBC up

Retirement, Strategy

Balance equality boost from new rules

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selfmanagedsuper is the definitive publication covering Australia’s SMSF sector. It uniquely offers online content tailored separately for SMSF professionals and individual trustees participating in the fastest growing and largest sector of the superannuation industry. As such, it is a must read for those wanting to stay informed about the latest news, regulatory developments, technical strategies, investments, compliance, legal and administration issues concerning SMSFs.

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