News : Superannuation

Business news, Superannuation

Discount availability key to NALE

ATO, Superannuation

SuperStream-ready services identified

Retirement, Superannuation

Retirement income covenant captures SMSFs


Service providers back up trustee tasks

ATO, Superannuation

SuperStream start date set


Indexation won’t cause admin cost increase

Pensions, Superannuation

Drawdown relief applies to all pensions

Regulation, Superannuation

Six-member funds to be a reality

Pensions, Superannuation

Minimum pension to stay halved

Pensions, Superannuation

ECPI draft legislation released

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selfmanagedsuper is the definitive publication covering Australia’s SMSF sector. It uniquely offers online content tailored separately for SMSF professionals and individual trustees participating in the fastest growing and largest sector of the superannuation industry. As such, it is a must read for those wanting to stay informed about the latest news, regulatory developments, technical strategies, investments, compliance, legal and administration issues concerning SMSFs.

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