

Service providers back up trustee tasks

SMSF service providers

The past year has shown that while SMSF trustees can administer and run their fund themselves, having an able service provider makes that task much easier.

The unique nature of the SMSF sector, in which super fund members are allowed to control and run their own fund and its investments, means SMSF trustees have particular insights into what is required, and who can assist, in ensuring a fund is well run.

While some trustees choose to embrace the do-it-yourself approach that comes with an SMSF, many recognise seeking the assistance of service providers, such as advisers, accountants, investment managers, administrators and auditors, is essential for a fund’s smooth operation.

Each year smstrusteenews seeks the views of trustees on which firms have been the leading service providers over the past 12 months. Given the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic on markets, the impact of lockdowns, the introduction of temporary relief measures and legislative change, there has been plenty for trustees to consider.

At the same time, SMSF service providers have been stepping up and providing assistance and support to their trustee clients to help them weather the storms and meet their day-to-day obligations, and smstrusteenews wants to know which providers were of most benefit to trustees.

If you are an SMSF trustee, we invite you to participate in the voting for the 2021 SMSF Service Provider Awards presented by smstrusteenews in conjunction with CoreData Research and sponsored by LaTrobe Financial.

To participate, please click here to take the trustee survey, and in doing so you will be entered into a prize draw for a chance to win one $1000 eftpos or Visa gift card or one of four $250 GiftPay online gift cards and one of five $100 Giftpay online gift cards (total of 10 prizes to be won).


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selfmanagedsuper is the definitive publication covering Australia’s SMSF sector. It uniquely offers online content tailored separately for SMSF professionals and individual trustees participating in the fastest growing and largest sector of the superannuation industry. As such, it is a must read for those wanting to stay informed about the latest news, regulatory developments, technical strategies, investments, compliance, legal and administration issues concerning SMSFs.

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